Workshops and Seminars
The Topics That Matter to You.

GrowthMine workshops are designed to address some of the biggest challenges leaders of fast-growth companies face.

The programs and tools we bring to your organization are based on proven fundamentals and our deep expertise in leadership and business growth. Your leaders will harness new knowledge, enhance strategic thinking, and develop the skills to move your organization forward.

Our programs have one purpose: to have a measurable impact on your company’s growth.

What makes our workshops different?

  • You use real organizational issues – your most pressing problems – to learn the information and connect emotionally.
  • You discuss your most critical issues with peers and experts and gather feedback.
  • You explore possibilities and leave the session with a game plan for moving forward.
  • Activities before, during, and after the program are a powerful way to promote retention and application of new knowledge and skills.
  • You use our modular approach to learning to select the most appropriate training for your particular needs.

Get help with the skill sets you need help with most.

We’ll work with you to create programs that focus on your most critical problems – challenges that require application of new knowledge and skills.

To design a solution that meets your needs, we use a four-step process of discovery, development, delivery, and assessment. This collaborative approach ensures that we understand and address your specific business challenges.

Our training is modular, experiential, and flexible. Together, we create the optimal training solutions for your organization. Our programs are available in 1/2 day, full day, multiple day, or retreats.

Some of our most popular topics include:

  • Building a Breakthrough Company

    Most companies start small and they stay that way. Less than one percent of all businesses will ever break through to the highest levels of growth. Breakthrough success is associated with a definable set of strategies and capabilities that anyone in any business can duplicate – from startup to market leader. Does your company have the knowledge, skills, and capabilities to move from ordinary to extraordinary levels of growth and success?

  • Leading on the Edge

    Leaders of fast-growth companies face a completely different set of challenges and opportunities than Fortune 500 firms or start-ups. Growth requires that a company undergo continuous and unyielding change. Successful leaders of growth companies succeed because they are able to adapt to the changing needs of their companies. Are you and your team prepared for the leadership challenges you will face as your company grows?

  • Strategic Planning: Better, Faster, Smarter

    Strategic planning, while important for all businesses, is of particular importance for fast-growth companies because of the speed at which they are growing. A common thread shared by successful growth companies is that they have a clear vision of where they want to be, an effective strategic plan outlining how they will get there, and the organizational capabilities to make it happen. Is that your organization’s current state?